
There exists a legend; that which suggests there are three mood rings made of special stone which respond to the bearers emotions so strongly they allow them to fight simply through how they feel. Emi Amane was given one such ring, and after years of refusing to use its power she's forced to use it against a shape shifting emotionless race called the monochrome. Together with the new student Maya, Technology whiz Daigo and the bright Aoi, they secretly plan to eradicate the shape shifting creatures under the disguise of a club, all while they are stopped in their tracks, watched from shadows, and learn more about how the monochrome came to be.


-Introductiory Video-


Emi Shimizu

"You wear your feelings on your sleeve, you fight creatures that are way stronger than you... Why would anyone want to be responsible for that?"

A reserved and often cold girl who was bestowed a mood ring during her childhood. Her stoic heart hides an energetic and quite clumsy side she has locked away since her past, and together with the newly formed group she searches for someone she has long been meaning to apologize to

Otome Sekiguchi

"No, I don't know everything. but I suppose not going to school does give you plenty of time to learn more useful things."

A shut in for most of her life, Otome is agile and apathetic, and isn't afraid to kill monochrome without hesitation no matter their form. She's rather different to the rest of the group and isn't all for their antics, but secretly has an obsession with history and is surprisingly skilled in video games.

Aoi Fukui

"Well I don't get all that complicated stuff, but this is all way too grim... So this club is supposed to make the fighting fun! That's okay right?"

An energetic and eccentric girl who hides pain through her joys, Aoi never thinks back to the past and always looks forward to the future. Whilst often uncontrollable and overexciteable she is the one who keeps the group together and has many intelligent ideas that get them out from many a bad situation.

Daigo Tsuchiya

"You've got that right. I don't think any of us will back down, not when we can do something about this all."

A boy who's skilled with technology and a fan of the SciFi show mechahackers, he's tried to be Emi's friend since she transfered into Yuugen. As a member of the school council and having taken care of his sister from a young age, he feels a sense of responsibility within all things he does.

Maya Sakuma

"Life changes so fast, so I find it amazing how you can capture fleeting moments in photographs. It's like you can keep those moments forever."

A timid girl who moved from California to Japan after her parents divorced, Maya quickly becomes Terumis best friend and a part of the group after an incident. She has a talent for photography and a hidden love of the colour black.

Nanase Okino

"There are always people out there who will give you a chance. Doesn't matter who they are, all you have to do is find them."

A cheerful glutton who seems to have lost all faith in society, Nanase stopped coming to school soon after Emi transfered in. Emi feels comfortable talking to her, and they sometimes meet up for lunch just outside the school.

Terumi Tsuchiya

"but there's nothing bad about it right? Is it so wrong if not everyone is normal?"

Daigos younger sister, Terumi is a lively fashion obsessed girl who befriends Maya on her first day. She has had a hearing problem since birth, leading to her wearing hearing aids and often being looked after by Daigo


"You know I never like showing my face in public for anyone. It pisses me off thinking who's out there wanting to get their grubby hands on me."

a sadistic girl who shields herself from people's sight, she attacks the group to try and stop them yet seems strangely determined to call herself an ally. Icarus claims she is the reason for the shape shifting monochrome existing

The master and Icarus

"HEY! Don't harass the master with your looks of admiration, you're scaring them! Besides, it's not them who stitched me so well together!"

A young being who claims not to be of this world, the master originally has possession of the rings. Whilst they provide assistance to the group, their abilities are limited as they are blind and mute. This is why they puppeteer a poodle puppet called Icarus, as they get to see through his eyes, and Icarus in turn gains sentience